Safeguarding is arguably the most important job in a school.
If children are not safe, they cannot learn. Recognising signs of abuse, neglect or risk to self or others, and knowing what to do about it is just the first step. Building a safeguarding culture takes time, dedication, and well-supported safeguarding leads.
Lau-Ed training has several trainers who are immensely experienced in leading safeguarding in international schools. British Schools Overseas Inspectors praised the safeguarding leadership of two of our trainers and they have presented at FOBISIA safeguarding events and the Singapore International Schools Safeguarding Network on a number of occasions.
We can offer:
Whole school safeguarding annual update
Designated safeguarding lead training (advanced)
DSL supervision
Consultation around creating a safeguarding culture (including engaging students and parents)
Workshops on specific safeguarding-related topics e.g.
Building and developing a safeguarding culture
management of concerns about staff conduct
interviewing students
peer-on-peer or child-on-child abuse
online safety
Parent workshops on safeguarding-related topics
Teaching consent & boundaries
Parenting in the digital age
Contact us now for further information and to discuss your specific needs